NYCASE Committees

By Laws Committee is responsible for reviewing and updating the organization's bylaws and mission statement. 


Dr. Heidi McCarthy, [email protected]
Kathleen Kieffer, [email protected]


Michelle Mylod, [email protected] 

Ora Perkins, [email protected]


Legislative Committee works on behalf of the membership with the State Education Department and legislature to ensure that effective and appropriate services are made available on behalf of students with disabilities.  The committee works closely with representatives of the New York Council of School Superintendents, School Boards Association, and the Big Five School Districts to coordinate legislative priorities and advise the membership of pending legislation, regulations and best practices.


Lea Morganstein[email protected]

Dr. Heidi McCarthy [email protected]


Yvette Goorevitch[email protected]

Kathleen Hansen [email protected] 

Dr. Heather Hendershot  [email protected]

Regina Kaishian  [email protected]

Suzanne Nicholas [email protected]

Rocco Nalli[email protected]

Trisha Wickwire [email protected]

Dr. Heather Wynne  [email protected] 

Link to Legislative Committee Work


Membership Committee is responsible for increasing membership through mailings and advertisements. The committee also recommends ways to manage mailing lists and registrations for conferences.


Nancy DeStefano, [email protected]

Michelle Mylod  [email protected]


Patricia Close, [email protected]

Margie Daniels  [email protected]

Dr. Heather Hendershot, [email protected]

Kathleen Kieffer[email protected]

Ora Perkins[email protected]

Jill Post[email protected]

Dr. Steve Rappleyea [email protected]

Link to Membership Committee Work


Professional Development Committee organizes training programs including the annual summer institute, virtual conferences, co-sponsored events and the New Administrator Institute sessions. The offering of regionally based, issue oriented one-day conferences may be available based on identified need. 


Dr.  Selena Fischer, [email protected] 

Dr. Catherine Pennock,  [email protected]


Danielle Cornish [email protected]

Yvette Goorevitch  [email protected]

Kathleen Hansen[email protected] 

Kathleen Kieffer, [email protected]

Dr. Heidi McCarthy  [email protected]

Lea Morganstein[email protected]

Jennifer Sanford  [email protected]

Velvet Tanner,  [email protected] 

Dr. Angela White[email protected]

Dr. Linda Widomski[email protected]

Link to PD Committee Work


Technology and Communications Committee maintains the web site with up-to-date membership and professional information. The committee reviews and recommends to the Executive Committee web site enhancements and improvements. They are also responsible for electronic periodic informational updates, and social media. 


Ora Perkins, [email protected]

Dr. Angela White  [email protected]


Dr. Lynn Allen, [email protected]

Kathleen Kieffer, [email protected]

Elizabeth Kennedy[email protected]

Shauna Maynardshaunamaynard@

Dr. Linda Widomski, [email protected]

Link to Technology & Communications Work